Megan serves as Deputy Director of READ Global, overseeing a wide range of global strategic responsibilities including marketing, fundraising, programs, finance and operations. She recently was promoted as the Deputy Director after serving 4 1/2 years as READ Global’s Asia Regional Director, where she collaborated closely with READ Country Affiliates on operations, program design and fundraising. Having worked in the development field for more than 15 years, Megan is a passionate advocate for libraries as agents for sustainable, local development. Prior to joining READ, Megan served as the director of the Bibliomist program, a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation initiative implemented by the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) to revitalize Ukraine’s public library system. She also worked at at the National Democratic Institute (NDI) managing community development, democracy building and minority empowerment programs. Megan received her BA in international relations from Michigan State University and her MA in public policy from the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary.