Archive for 2023

Nuns in Bhutan sit in red robes, heads shaved, attending a menstrual health workshop

Shattering Menstrual Stigma in South Asia

Did you know that almost 45% of girls in Bhutan report missing school due to menstruation (UNICEF and the Ministry of Education of Bhutan 2018)? Across South Asia and the […]

Mourning the Loss of READ’s Founder Antonia Neubauer

  It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Antonia “Toni” Neubauer, the visionary founder of READ Global. Toni passed away on April 16 after traveling to […]

Smiling young Nepalese woman in the foreground, wearing white pants and a saffron tunic top, pours chicken feed into a chicken feeder. Around her, dozens of her chickens sit in the shade of their enclosure or scratch in the dirt.

DIYO Project Update: Making Nepalese Migrants’ Lives Safer

“READ’s safe migration program Diyo changed the course of my life. It gave me the idea to start my own business, and now I can stay home with my young […]

READ Global Literacy Approach

In 2017/2018, READ Global partnered with external evaluation consultants Shayna Sullivan, Ph.D. and Jennifer Altavilla, M.Ed. to assess the impact of READ Centers on the lives of the people they […]

READ Global

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