Archive for the ‘leadership’ Category

Mourning the Loss of READ’s Founder Antonia Neubauer

  It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Antonia “Toni” Neubauer, the visionary founder of READ Global. Toni passed away on April 16 after traveling to […]

Leadership Changes at READ Global in 2020

This is a special message from Tina Sciabica, READ Global Executive Director, about upcoming leadership changes at READ Global. Tina Sciabica, Sanjana Shrestha, and READ Global founder, Dr. Antonia Neubauer, […]

This Center Is Completely Self-Sustaining

When a visitor enters the Panauti READ Center’s charming wooden Nepali doors, they notice cheerful children interacting with engaged adults and seniors, and young women leading their peers through health […]

women walk across a street in Nepal

April 2019 Update: Empowering Women and Youth in Asia

In 2019, we’re excited to share news about bold initiatives tackling human trafficking and ensuring youth and girls participation in the growing tech sector leveraging the extensive network of READ […]

Dining for Women – Helping READ Bhutan Spur Women’s Entrepreneurship

Thanks to a generous $48,000 commitment from Dining for Women, READ Global will be a featured organization during the month of August. As a featured organization, READ Global will have the opportunity […]

How education impacts women’s leadership in India

This January, the Indian State of Rajasthan passed an executive order barring anyone with less than eight years of formal education from running for election for head of village council […]

Video: Women Represent in the “Happiest Place” – Bhutan

In Bhutan, the Himalayan Kingdom renowned for the concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH), half the population has reason to be less than satisfied. Women generally do not hold leadership […]

Engaging women in Bhutan’s new democracy

This is a staff post by Rinchen Choden, one of our Bhutan Field Coordinators. It originally appeared on the website of IREX, a READ Global partner organization. In Bhutan, women […]

Where women go to learn their letters and become leaders

This is a guest post by Anh Ton of the The Asian Philanthropy Forum that originally appeared on their site, featuring READ Global’s work to empower women globally. A lot […]

10 ways to empower women

1  Create a safe space: Women in South Asia often have nowhere to gather with other women and talk about issues like gender equity, women’s rights, or health. READ Centers […]

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