Archive for the ‘irex’ Category

Smiling young Nepalese woman in the foreground, wearing white pants and a saffron tunic top, pours chicken feed into a chicken feeder. Around her, dozens of her chickens sit in the shade of their enclosure or scratch in the dirt.

DIYO Project Update: Making Nepalese Migrants’ Lives Safer

“READ’s safe migration program Diyo changed the course of my life. It gave me the idea to start my own business, and now I can stay home with my young […]

How We’re Empowering Women – International Women’s Day 2020

In the 25 years since the signing of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action for Universal Women’s Rights, READ Global has strengthened its own commitment to advancing gender equality. […]

Smoothing the Rocky Path of Migration: IREX and READ Global Begin at the Source

Guest blog by Rachel Peterson, Dining for Women Chapter Co-leader For the 21% of the world’s workers living off of less than $3.10 per day, just having a job is […]

Communities Thrive & the Urgency of Fighting Human Trafficking

According to the U.S. State Department, about 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders, every year. Because of systemic issues surrounding poverty, economic instability, mass migration due to famine or […]

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