Archive for the ‘social entrepreneurship’ Category

This Center Is Completely Self-Sustaining
When a visitor enters the Panauti READ Center’s charming wooden Nepali doors, they notice cheerful children interacting with engaged adults and seniors, and young women leading their peers through health […]

Generous Grant from Australia To Fund New Training Programs
Embarking in a new partnership that will inspire economic prosperity for generations to come, READ Bhutan is the proud recipient of a generous grant from the Australian government’s Direct Aid […]

READ Bhutan: Expanding business opportunities for a small country
This is the last of a four-part guest blogger series from MBAs Without Borders‘ Kathryn Svobodny on her 5-month Advisor experience with READ Global. Click here to read the first […]

To rise out of poverty Asian women head to the library
This article was featured in The Christian Science Monitor, and originally appeared at Global Envision, a blog published by Mercy Corps. “Being born a girl is worthless,” said Chuna Devi, […]

Reaching out to Rural Entrepreneurs
This is the first of a four-part guest blogger series from MBAs Without Borders‘ Kathryn Svobodny on her 5-month advisory experience with READ Global. Imagine that you are an entrepreneur […]
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