After capping off 2015 with the launch of new READ Centers in India and Bhutan, and with the upcoming inauguration of two more READ Nepal centers in the pipeline – 2016 is already shaping up to be a truly standout year for READ Global.
In November, READ India launched their 19th center in Tauru, Haryana, which now provides essential services to 5 surrounding villages, including children’s reading workshops, handicraft trainings, innovative farming techniques, preventative health awareness, career counseling, and computer access. In addition to this main hub in Tauru, three small satellite centers in were launched in Dinerheri, Jhamwas, and Guda.
Left: Children play with educational toys in the child-friendly area
Right: Women participate in a self-confidence and leadership workshop
READ Bhutan launched their eighth READ Center in November as well, located between the two remote villages of Shema and Gangkha. Prior to this center, the community had no Internet facilities and few adequate learning materials, contributing to a large percentage of youth dropping out of school.
Left: Inauguration of Bhutan’s eighth READ Center
Right: Community youth celebrate the new center
“This school will reap immense benefits from this center,” the principle of Shema-Gangkha primary school commented. “I’m hopeful that it will encourage the community youth to continue pursuing their education.”
Stay tuned in the upcoming months for more details on the scheduled launches of new READ Centers in Nepal!