What’s Your Peace?

International Peace Day

Happy International Peace Day!

In all three countries that READ Global works in, peacebuilding has footprints in many forms – such as a vibrant vision for Peace, Prosperity, and Happiness in Bhutan, enacting a comprehensive peace agreement ending internal conflict in Nepal, or transformation to becoming a leader in peacebuilding in India.

The United Nations’ recent Sustainable Development Goals, which lists 17 goals for international development, all focus on peacebuilding as well – including ending poverty, ensuring quality education, empowering women and girls, and promoting sustained employment for all. These goals are exactly what READ Centers are tackling on a daily basis.

To celebrate the fact that peace is the centering theme for these goals, the Alliance for Peacebuilding is rounding up stories of peace to share with the world by using the hashtag #WhatsYourPeace.

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At READ Global, our peace is the vision of every single person having access to education, literacy, and economic prosperity. So, when a deadly natural disaster hits a remote community, or when a woman in a rural village struggles to make a livable income, or when a child’s future is uncertain because his parent’s can’t afford schooling – their ability to access the necessary knowledge and resources expands their opportunities, empowers their decisions, and brings peace to their lives.

So – what’s your peace? Share it with us on Facebook or Twitter!

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