Archive for the ‘womens empowerment’ Category

Finding Resilience in Fulbari, Nepal
In 2014, READ Global staff member Shannon Kimball visited Nepal to see READ’s work for the first time. Below she writes about the READ Center that inspired her the most. […]

Job Skills Training to Empower Women in India
From media attention about sexual assault to an increased focus on the 33% of women who are illiterate, women’s empowerment in India is a growing national issue. One area in […]

11 Things You Might Not Know About Global Poverty
1 Inequality between the wealthiest and poorest people on the planet is shocking. Just 85 people have the same amount of money as almost half of the global population. Imagine […]

Video: Women Represent in the “Happiest Place” – Bhutan
In Bhutan, the Himalayan Kingdom renowned for the concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH), half the population has reason to be less than satisfied. Women generally do not hold leadership […]

Introducing International Women’s Education Day
This guest blog post is written by Osmara Vindel, creator of The Butterfly Club. Osmara and her peers are generously raising funds for women’s resources and empowerment programs at the […]

The Unexpected Benefits of Literacy in Nepal
A 70-year-old Nepali woman told me that, after having learned to read, she can die happy. She values her education over her belongings since, as she said: “Everyone will die […]

Digital tools raise awareness on maternal health in Nepal
This article was written as part of the Women Weave the Web campaign of our partner organization WorldPulse, and is written by Sanjana Shrestha, the Nepal Country Director of READ […]

How Mothers Change the World
A Mother’s Day post by READ Global Executive Director Tina Sciabica With Mother’s Day approaching, I’ve had the opportunity to reflect on three incredible mothers who changed the course of […]

Building a future beyond polio and illiteracy in India
Imagine at age 16, you are living in poverty, illiterate, and disabled because of polio. What would your future look like? This past week marked an historic occasion: the WHO […]

Engaging women in Bhutan’s new democracy
This is a staff post by Rinchen Choden, one of our Bhutan Field Coordinators. It originally appeared on the website of IREX, a READ Global partner organization. In Bhutan, women […]